Info for Shareholders

Last updated: 22-01-2025 11:21:02

Disclosure of Regulated Information

Casta Diva Group uses the SDIR-NIS circuit managed by BIt Market Services, a Euronext Group company (Piazza degli Affari 6 – 20123 Milan)

Capital and shareholder structure

The subscribed and paid-up share capital is equal to 9,785,898.50 Euro, divided into 20,044,719 shares without nominal value, of which 10,615,999 are shares with multiple voting rights. The following table illustrates the composition of the shareholder structure:

Nome e Cognome/
Numero Azioni a Voto Plurimo Numero Azioni Ordinarie Numero Azioni Ordinarie e a Voto Plurimo % Capitale sociale Numero dei diritti di voto % dei diritti di voto
RELOAD S.p.a. 9.369.695 94.431 9.464.126 47,2% 28.203.516 68,3%
GREENBONE S.r.l.s. 580.000 554.085 1.134.085 5,7% 2.294.085 5,6%
Andrea De Micheli 357.000 657.400 1.014.400 5,1% 1.728.400 4,2%
Market 309.304 8.071.944 8.381.248 41,8% 8.999.856 21,9%
Azioni Proprie 50.860 50.860 0,3% 50.860 0,1%
Totale azioni a voto plurimo/diritti 10.615.999 53,0% 31.847.997 77,2%
Totale azioni ordinarie/diritti 9.428.720 47,0% 9.428.720 22,8%
Totale azioni emesse/diritti 20.044.719 100,0% 41.276.717 100,0%

Disclosure obligations of Significant Shareholders

Pursuant to the Euronext Growth Milan Issuers’ Regulation, anyone holding at least 5% of a category of financial instruments of Casta Diva Group S.p.A. is a “Significant Shareholder”.
Reaching or exceeding a holding of 5% and all variations, upwards or downwards, with respect to the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 50%, 66.6%, 75%, 90% and 95% constitute a “Substantial Change” that must be communicated by Significant Shareholders to Casta Diva Group S.p.A..
For the entire period in which the shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Milan, shareholders must communicate to the Company any Substantial Change relating to the holding held in the share capital of the Company.
The communication of the Substantial Change must be made, by registered mail with return receipt to be sent to the administrative body at the registered office of the Company, without delay and in any case within 5 (five) trading days from the date of completion of the act or event that determined the arising of the obligation, regardless of the date of execution.
The communication of the Substantial Change must identify the shareholder, the nature and amount of the participation; the date on which the shareholder purchased or sold the percentage of share capital that determined a substantial change, or the date on which the percentage of his participation increased or decreased compared to the thresholds indicated above.
Failure to communicate a Substantial Change to the administrative body entails the suspension of the right to vote on the shares or financial instruments for which the communication was omitted.
The Board of Directors has the right to request information from shareholders on their participations in the share capital.

Organization chart